Have you ever felt that you are not qualified enough for your job? Do you often compare yourself to other people or think that your achievements are not deserved? Then you may suffer from impostor syndrome. In this article we will tell you what it is, how to detect it and how to overcome it.
What is impostor syndrome?
Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that makes you constantly doubt your abilities, despite your academic and work achievements. Impostor syndrome is characterized by believing that your achievements in the workplace are due to a stroke of luck, or to being in the right place at the right time. These thoughts are accompanied by the fear of being found out, of people realizing that you are actually a fraud.
Causes of impostor syndrome
- Failing to stand out in the family: In a highly competitive family environment where achievement is paramount or where parents have achieved great goals, the pressure to avoid falling short can be so great that people start to doubt themselves.
- Lack of self-confidence: People with problems of insecurity and low self-esteem are more likely to suffer from this psychological phenomenon.
- Insecurity due to previous work experience: For example, a dismissal can trigger impostor syndrome, as it can awaken feelings of guilt for not having done enough.
- Changes in working life: In this case, it is normal for doubts to arise and even to feel that we may not be good enough for a new role that entails greater responsibility. Thoughts like “Will I be prepared enough?” or “Will I be up to the task?” can feed our insecurities and impostor syndrome. However, in this type of situation, doubts usually tend to dissipate after a period of adaptation to the new environment.
- The era of success: We live in a society where social networks and constant success stories pressure us daily with images of a perfect life. The problem is that they do not normalize failure, which is just as necessary as success for us to learn. It is scientifically proven that you learn more from a failure than from an achievement, so we must lose the fear of making mistakes.
How do I know if I have impostor syndrome?
People who suffer from it share a series of behavior patterns:
- Believing they don’t deserve their achievements: they consider they’ve accomplished them due to luck or help from others.
- Constant fear of being discovered as a fraud.
- Disbelief in their abilities.
- Expectation of failure in situations when they might normally be expected to succeed or excel.
- Demotivation associated with lack of personal confidence.
- Anxiety, sadness, depression, hopelessness.
- Permanent dissatisfaction with themselves.

Tips for overcoming impostor syndrome
Researchers at the University of Salzburg in Austria confirmed that people with impostor syndrome are limited in their professional career, and have lower salaries and fewer promotions than their peers with similar abilities and experiences. For this reason, it is important to know what you can do to overcome it.
- Write a list of all your achievements, skills and successes. This can help you develop greater self-esteem, and you’ll also have a prepared an introduction for a job interview.
- Share experiences and teach. Talking with colleagues about work-related topics can help you see that you know your stuff and have mastered it. Giving classes to inexperienced people or tutoring a new colleague can help you consolidate that knowledge.
- Receive compliments. We always think that others know more than us, which is why it’s important to ask people what they think our strengths are and to listen to their praise.
- Learn from failure. You learn a lot from mistakes, so instead of beating yourself up over them, analyze them and find out what you’ve learned and how it will help you in the future.
If you feel that you suffer from this phenomenon, you should know that it is possible to overcome it, but it will require a great effort of acceptance on your part. In addition, professional help may also be necessary, as there are cases in which impostor syndrome occurs from an early age and worsens over time.
Remember: If you have the training and skills, you can achieve anything. Value everything you accomplish in your day-to-day life and celebrate your successes. If you are ready to continue building your career and fulfilling your goals, download Workee on iOS or Android, and go as far as you set your mind to.